Friday, January 28, 2011

Prognosis: EXCELLENT!

I have never blogged before but since there are so many people I want to keep posted and not all of you are on FB, here goes... This has all happened so fast and I didn't have many answers prior to today so please accept my apologies for not sharing this information sooner, most of you are unaware so let me start by woo-hooing to the mountain tops that, as my gut has been telling me, I am fine and my prognosis is excellent! So, now that my mental celebratory back flips and yee-haws are under control, let me catch you up on the details! And again, please accept my apologies for not filling you all in sooner...

On January 4th I was diagnosed with "Cancer of the Uterine Cervix", as it is written on my charts more commonly known as cervical cancer, with adenocarcinoma the type of cancer identified. On January 14th I had a robot assisted radical hysterectomy at Kaiser in Downey, CA (I know, how cool and sci-fi is that?). And this morning, January 28th, I had an anxiously awaited follow-up appt with my oncologist to go over the pathology from my surgery which indicates my stage (1B), additional steps of treatment that are needed (combination radiation & chemo therapy), and my prognosis (excellent with little chance of recurrence).

If I understand everything correctly, there were 2 indicators used to determine the additional steps; 1) the type of cancer that I have, adenocarcinoma, is a less common type and I am gathering that it must be a little trickier to treat and 2) the histology showed that although the cancer had not spread there is evidence that it could travel in the bloodstream. So, I will see a radiologist @ Kaiser in L.A. sometime in the next week or so to put a game plan into place that will involve chemo to allow the radiation to work better but that will NOT cause major side effects or hair loss (a little thinning at the ends maybe but no loss). Most likely the treatments will be 3 days a week for 2-4 weeks @ Kaiser in Ontario. I have now been instructed to continue to rest to allow my body to heal from the surgery (still very swollen and a tad sore) and be strong and ready for the upcoming treatment which is predicted that I will sail right through due to how healthy, strong, and thin I am (yes, my doctors said "thin" more than once!). I am now going to quit kicking myself for carrying this extra 15-20lbs, I still plan to lose it through healthy diet and exercise as soon as the doctors give me the ok to do so, but for now I am not going to kick myself anymore! I am healthy and thin! :^)

There really is so much more to tell in how I even learned I had this cancer and the steps that lead to today but I'll save that for a later date as I am so relieved but also drained at the moment...

In the meanwhile, I'd like to express my overwhelming gratitude to my mom for urging me to see the doctor even though I kept insisting I was just experiencing perimenopause symptoms, Jeanelle Coffey for sharing her experience with ovarian cancer with me and echoed my mom's wisdom, our dear and terribly missed friend Tim Brown who brought Jeanelle & I together, Dr. Estrick who referred me to the specialist, Dr. Moore, and Dr. Moore who found and diagnosed the cancer and referred my to the oncologists, Dr. Tewari & Dr. Shah, and my dear friend and old room mate, Lisa Lindley, OBGYN, for calming my nerves and explaining everything to me, the Bruno, Jacobi, Umana, and Henry families for taking care of and entertaining Jillian in this time surrounding my surgery and all her friends and our extended family who have kept her busy with talent show planning, skypeing, etc. - she has had so much fun lately that this whole process was a breeze thanks to all of you! (I've included a few pics of Jillian with friends just for fun!) Thanks for all your love & well wishes, after this I'll be even stronger & better than ever! :^)


  1. Wow! I had no idea. So glad you have such a great prognosis. Love you! -Jules

  2. I am so glad that things are looking positive for you Pam. I have had you in our prayer chain at church and have been praying for you every day since I had heard the news. Prayers do work and the Lord has blessed you with positive results. We miss you here at work, but nothing is more presious than life itself. Please take care, rest,and get ready to go forward with a long and healty life.
    Your office buddy,

  3. Pam:
    I had no idea! Wishing the very best!! I have a friend who was diagnosed with a very aggressive lymphoma this time last year. Thanks to advanced treatment and a remarkably good attitude (like yours), he has been deemed free of that cancer. So inspiring, I signed up for the bone marrow registry (he had a stem cell replacement of his marrow). There are some amazing stories out there. I know you will be one of them!!!
    With love and best wishes,

  4. So glad to hear that the silver lining on this cloud is huge. By the way, I agree with your doctors about your "thinness". You must have left that "extra 15 or 20 pounds" in the car the day we had breakfast with Claudia!

  5. I would assume this to be cervix cancer as opposed to ovarian cancer. So happy you caught it early. Hollye is my friend therefore you now are my friend too. I wish you speedy recovery and a wonderful happy healing. Don't worry about weight you probably will lose some during your therapies.

  6. please dont worry about your are beautiful,,,,,truly a beautiful person ,,,,love to you and your family,,,xo
